Parallel Dimensions

Parallel Dimensions
Parallel or Hidden Dimensions

Hidden or parallel dimensions have been mentioned in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, and literature, particularly in science fiction and fantasy books and films. In theory, the dimension we call home is an illusion of reality. It is an interactive holographic materialization of matter at the subatomic level, creating the illusion of our reality. Is there any cosmological evidence that parallel dimensions exist? In theory, the answer is yes. When we explore interstellar space with our best telescopes, we can see billions of stars in billions of galaxies extending to the edge of the known universe. But in reality, we are observing less than 5% of the universe. The other 95% we don’t see is 27% dark matter and 68% dark energy. Dark matter is not detectable since it does not absorb, reflect, or emit electromagnetic radiation.

However, astrophysical observations of how most galaxies are rotating show that they must have a large amount of hidden dark matter within them. This dark matter and energy may indicate that many hidden parallel dimensions exist within our universe. Since dark matter of the hidden dimensions does not interact with electromagnetic energy, all parallel dimensions other than our own are invisible to us. The standard laws of physics will exist in each parallel dimension. However, the constants within the laws differ when compared. For example, the speed of light and the passing of time will differ in each dimension. Each parallel dimension resonates with a unique spectrum of subquantum vibrations.

There is an ever-increasing amount of paranormal evidence that parallel dimensions with unique lifeforms exist. Smartphones, tablets, security cameras, and other devices continue capturing extraordinary videos of things not usually observed in our environment. Many videos show various cryptids resembling creatures from folklore, mythology, legend, and other entities that resemble nothing commonly known to exist in our dimension. Paranormal researchers have theorized for years that many of these strange creatures are trans-dimensional. They may cross from one parallel dimension to another. Based on this evidence, we can assume that our solar system and planet Earth have many parallel dimensions still evolving with unique ecospheres, life forms, and cultures. Earth’s other parallel dimensions are invisible since they exist in different subquantum vibrations and times.

            Each parallel dimension has the embodied consciousness or spirit of many living things native to that dimension. There is also a spiritual plane that is the realm of many disembodied spiritual entities from all the physical dimensions. Within this realm are human spirits, animal spirits, spirit guides, ascended masters, angels, demons, shadow people, and many other benevolent and malevolent entities we have yet to encounter.

Perhaps the most intriguing and mysterious dimensions are what the four major religions of the world identify as: Heaven (Judaism & Christianity), Paradise (Zoroastrianism & Islam), Moksha (Hinduism), and Nirvana (Buddhism). Many mediums often refer to these dimensions as the dimensions of light for a reason you will understand later. Based on the evidence received from countless mediumship readings, people in the afterlife are far from being at rest. They are busy doing things they love with friends and family members who have also passed. From the descriptions received from spirits, it sounds like they are experiencing an enhanced version of our reality as an embodied spirit in a dimension of light.

Our conscious and subconscious mind is in tune with our dimension’s subquantum spectrum of vibrations during life. When the physical body dies, our subconscious mind continues living on the spiritual plane. The human spirit possesses free will and can move about in the spiritual plane or ascend to the dimension of light. There can be human spirits inhabiting many layers within the spiritual plane. Paranormal evidence gathered from active locations shows that human entities in different layers may be unaware of each other. Evidence shows that family members who passed at different times and locations may be in different layers and cannot reunite.

For many reasons, a location’s paranormal activity may occur when a spirit does not ascend to the dimension of light. These reasons include they do not know they are dead, are afraid or do not know how to transition into the dimension of light, don’t want to leave a familiar location, are prevented from transitioning by some other malicious spirit. Experienced paranormal investigators and psychic mediums can help these spirits ascend to the dimension of light. With the help of spirit guides and angels, a psychic medium can open a portal to the dimension of light. The description given by the mediums of this event is quite profound. When the portal opens, it appears as a bright golden or white light. Often, the medium can see apparitions of passed family members or friends appearing within the light, beckoning their lost loved one to join them. Other evidence from paranormal investigations reveals that spirits that have crossed into the dimension of light can use their free will to return to the Earth’s spiritual plane to hang out with their friends in spirit at a location they enjoyed during their lives.

It is essential to mention here that there may be many dimensions of light. These dimensions are interactive and adaptable as civilizations, cultures, beliefs, and religions of all living beings develop. Consider for a moment the number of human beings of the many races, religions, and cultures that have lived and passed on planet Earth. As humanity has developed, so have the dimensions of light. Based on descriptions, these dimensions may be much like Earth’s physical dimensions, with plenty of room for the reembodied spirits of all races, spiritual beliefs, religions, and cultures to enjoy their afterlife.

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Revised 10-7-2023

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