EVP Ghost Voices

EVP ghosts voices

EVP Ghost Voices

Disembodied EVP ghost voices are the best evidence and proof of an active or intelligent haunting during a paranormal investigation. Hearing disembodied voices, as audible sounds, can happen in locations with active and or residual hauntings. Video and digital voice recorders can easily capture audible ghost voices on their audio tracks. These recorders can also capture ghost voices not audible to the human ear. It is a well-known fact that spirit entities at a haunted location can affect electrical and electronic devices. Video and digital voice recorders are no exception. These devices record audible ghost voices in the usual way with their microphones. However, they can also record inaudible ghost voices when spirit entities affect the quantum vibrations of the zero-point energy (ZPE) within the circuitry of the recording device itself. These inaudible ghost voices are only present when reviewing the recordings. The disadvantage of capturing EVPs with regular recording devices is that it is only one-way communication and not real-time.

  Real-time two-way communication with spiritual entities is possible using instrumental trans-communication (ITC) devices such as the P-SB7 Spirit Box® and other similar devices. The P-SB7 allows the user to have two-way communication with spirit entities in real-time. The P-SB7 is essentially a small AM/FM radio with the capability to rapidly scan the entire AM or FM radio band with a 100 to 350-millisecond sweep rate. Like the video and audio recorders, spirit entities communicate through the ITC device by affecting the quantum vibrations of the ZPE within the circuitry and the space around the device. The best setting for P-SB7 to communicate with a spirit entity is the FM band, with a sweep rate of 100ms. This setting clips the audio from any FM stations but allows hearing spirit voices over multiple sweeps. Also, leave the built-in antenna retracted to minimize interference from FM radio stations. ITC devices are an excellent tool for discovering who or what is causing an active haunting of a location.

 An active or intelligent haunting may be spirit entities from the nonphysical earth plane manifesting on the physical earth plane. There are many layers or planes of existence within the nonphysical earth plane. Human spirits, when passed at different times and locations, can reside on slightly different layers isolated from one another. Evidence from paranormal investigations has proven this to be true. Dark nonhuman spirit entities inhabit other lower layers within the nonphysical earth plane. These entities may be demonic, shadow beings, or other malicious entities that can be very troublesome to living human beings. These dark nonhuman entities do not generally manifest on the physical earth plane unless a portal has been opened by some form of ritual that allows them to pass through. Capturing EVP ghost voices of human and nonhuman entities is possible with video and voice recorders and ITC devices. When human entities cross over to the higher planes of consciousness, crossing into the light, they cannot communicate through recorders or ITC devices. However, they can communicate through psychic mediums. Some spirits that have crossed over often return to the earth plane to visit living relatives or hang out with friends that are in spirit. EVP evidence from paranormal investigations has shown this to be true.

Another type of haunting is a residual haunting. In an earlier post, Illusion of Reality, it was theorized that non-living matter has a form of consciousness and memory. This means that a house, building, or land at a given location can retain memories of past events that happened there. A residual haunting is a manifestation of those memories replaying over and over. Why these manifestations keep repeating is currently beyond scientific understanding. People within the location of a residual haunting may hear audible sounds of voices, footsteps, screams, music, or other unexplained sounds. Locations that have experienced intensely violent activity in the past can have very high levels of residual negative energy that can adversely affect the health of those who live or work there. Again, the residual energy affects the ZPE within the air and the structure to produce the disembodied voices and sounds. There are three classes of EVPs. A Class A EVP is an understandable voice or sound recognized by anyone without headphones. A Class B EVP is a less understandable voice or sound that may require headphones. A Class C EVP is a faint and whispery voice or sound that is sometimes unintelligible. However, Class C EVPs on some ITC devices are not always faint but may still be unintelligible. Some paranormal investigators attribute hard-to-understand EVPs to the spirit’s lack of vocal cords or physical body. However, it is important to remember when a person passes, they retain their personality and all the memories of their entire life. That memory is even more profound. They remember everything minute detail about their physical body, including how to articulate words. This memory allows them to affect the quantum vibrations within the ZPE to create their disembodied voice. However, the classes of EVPs indicate that some spirits are more skilled at articulating their disembodied ghost voices than others.

EVP Recordings

EVP recordings from a PSB7 Spirit Box

In this investigation, two psychic mediums found that an adult and a child in spirit were active at the location. The following EVPs seem to support this finding.

First EVP

Question and unintelligible response

Second EVP

Question and unintelligible response and a child’s voice

EVP Recordings from a Sony digital voice recorder.

This investigation was at a local cemetery. In this EVP, there appear to be five distinctly different ghost voices. The names captured at the beginning and at the end of the EVP appear to be an intelligent response to the question. The voices captured in the middle of the recording appear to be a residual activity. There were evidently many spirits in the area.

Please see the transcript below.

EVP: …Lisbeth smith… …unintelligible voice… …Love you… … I love you… … Nic Jamos…

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